L’ICARDA lance un avis d’appel à manifestation d’intérêt pour une consultance RH – Élaboration de procédures opérationnelles standard (SOP), Le Caire, Egypte
HR Consultancy – Developing Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
Open for individual consultants/or consultancy firms
Duration: 6-to-9-month full-time assignment.
Location: Cairo, Egypt (or remote based).
Project supervisor: Director of Human Resources and Administration (DHRA)
ICARDA is an international organization funded by a number of multilateral organizations and donor governments. Transparency and accountability are critical to the performance of the organization. It must also ensure that its operations are as effective and efficient as possible. ICARDA has 13 offices that are spread geographically from Morocco to India. The Center’s scientific expertise is very diverse.
To support implementation of its HR initiatives, ICARDA has several HR related internal rules, including an HR Policy Manual which was approved by the Board of Trustees (BOT) in October 2010. Subsequent amendments were approved by the BOT between 2011 and 2019 (the “2019 Policy Manual”).
In July 2021, the BOT approved a new, strategic HR Policy Manual (the “New Policy Manual”) with the understanding that Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) were to be developed to support it. Since that period, due to capacity gaps in the HR department, the SOPs are yet to be developed and the New Policy Manual has not yet been communicated to ICARDA’s staff. ICARDA has continued to rely on the 2019 Policy Manual and pre-existing supplements, circulars, and memoranda to support the implementation of the Center’s HR work.
It is against this backdrop that ICARDA now seeks to engage an HR consultant or a consultancy firm to draft SOPs and guidelines that are aligned to the New Policy Manual, with most of these SOPs drawing on internal rules already present in ICARDA’s 2019 Manual.
Objectives/expected outcomes of the consultancy.
- Review the 2019 Policy Manual in its current form and all HR related supplements, circulars, and memoranda in order to identify all the required SOPs and guidelines, make recommendations drawing on (1) information provided by ICARDA management to the Board on July 2021, (2) best practice for such policies in the international development/CGIAR/INGO/UN sectors, as may be relevant for ICARDA, and in accordance with ICARDA policies/practices, and applicable labor legislation.
- Develop a list of SOPs and other guidance documents needed at the HR operational level, integrating the elements from the 2019 HR Policy Manual and its various supplements, circulars and memoranda and any other guidance identified during the review. The documents should preferably follow the template and style used by ICARDA for SOPs, standards and user guidelines used in other corporate functions.
- Once the structure, style and content of the SOP documents are agreed upon, the consultant will be expected to write the new SOP documents. While many sections of the current procedures and SOPs will still be of use, a major rewriting and consolidating exercise is likely required.
- Review and update country supplements for Morocco, Tunisia, and India.
- An initial briefing with the Director of HR and Administration and General Counsel, to ensure full comprehension of the expected exercise. Additional meetings will be held with the HR Team in respective specialized areas.
- Review of 2019 HR Policy Manual, supplements, and circulars.
- Review of at least 4 other peer international development /CGIAR/ INGO’s/UN HR manuals to inform the structure and content of ICARDA’s SOPs, the consultant will agree with ICARDA on the SOPs to be reviewed.
- Presentation of the proposed structure, style, and content of the new SOPs to ICARDA DHRA for approval.
- Sharing draft of SOPs for feedback by DHRA and ICARDA General Counsel
- Present to Staff Associations and SMT as requested.
- Finalization of SOPs and guidance documents based on feedback received.
- Within 5 days of signing the consultancy agreement, a document outlining the structure and content of the SOPs will be submitted for approval.
- Within 5 days of commencement, preparation, and agreement of delivery timelines for the SOPs.
- Within 20 days following the approval of the list of SOPs and structure document, a first draft of the initial agreed upon SOPs will be submitted.
- It is expected that the consultant will provide updates 5 days upon receipt of SMT feedback on the various SOP documents.
From the time of signing of the consultancy agreement, ICARDA anticipates this to be a 6-to-9-month assignment.